Register A Company

Register a new company to start your business now! Select your region and programme type below to get started.

Incomplete registration?

Use your return code here

Log in

New log in details are issued every year immediately after registration. Use your 2022-23 log in details below.

Your email or the last 6 digits of your company number


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Company Programme

Students set up and run a real business for a year under the guidance of a business volunteer.
They get practical experience of the joys and pitfalls of creating a truly functioning enterprise.
For further information click here

Team Programme

The Team Programme inspires students with special educational and support needs to work together
as they set up and run their own real company, guided every step of the way by the Centre Lead and supported by a Young Enterprise Business Adviser. For further information click here.

Start-Up Programme

Start-Up  gives students in further and higher education the chance to create their own company while still pursuing their studies. For up to one year students plan, create and run their own real firm with business advisers guiding them every step of the way. For further information click here.